Sunday, July 02, 2006


Huron Trip Report

Wade #26. Dara, Caleb and Anna #2. Rob #10. Andrew #4. Amanda, Jordan, Nathan and Benjamin #1!!!

4 hours up
½ hour on top.
2 ½ hours down

GPS says 5.8 miles total
Map program says 6.5 miles round trip?! The profile looks a bit weird, so something is not right. Anyway, close enough.

3:47 moving time
3:20 stopped time

Moving average 1.5 mi/hr
Overall average .8 mi/hr

The Gardner family camped overnight, then the rest of the crew met us in the morning. We departed the 4wd trailhead at 7:15am. Beautiful day, beautiful hike all the way up. Summitted at 11:15am, with a 30 minute break on top.

After departing the summit at 11:45am, the thunder started rolling at noon. Soon after that the snow started, quickly turning into nice snow pellets. The biggest concern was to get off the top of that mountain, with thunder all around. Lightning was flashing in the distance, but not too close. Slippery conditions slowed the descent, but the snow let up and it was a fun hike all the way back to the vehicle.

Congrats to the 4 first timers!!! :)

Check out all the pictures.