Mount Shavano 14,229 feet (17th highest)
Tabeguache Peak 14,155 feet (25th highest)
Yes!! We did it! And everyone survived the trip as well. It’s always a good thing to come back with as many as you begin with!
On September 5, 2005, five of us made the hike up these two peaks. Here are the stats:
11.6 miles total
About 4.5 miles up to Shavano, another 1 over to Tab
5:23 moving time
3:35 stopped time
Started at 5:50am
Moving average 2 mi/hr
Overall average 1.2 mi/hr
Hikers were Rob, Barry, Eric and Andrew and Wade. Headed out of town just before 3am, and were hiking at 5:50am. (In the dark! Sunrise at 6:36am)
It was a great day – a beautiful hike up the mountain. Eric took off ahead, and learned later that that was not the best idea, as all kinds of unforeseen things could happen (although nothing did happen this time!).
We ran into a heard of Mountain goats and Mountain sheep, and got some cool pictures. AS we summitted the saddle, about ½ mile below the Shavano summit, the storm hit. Rain, then snow!! We pushed hard for the summit, and arrived after about 4 hours. The storm let up, cleared off, and we had a beautiful rest of the day.
Barry stayed on Shavano, and the rest of us summitted Tab. (Everyone I asked had a different pronunciation for the mountain, so we just nicknamed it Tab!) The guide book had said to “not” take a shortcut that looked good but was not – but we saw some other guys take it so we did too. Turned out to be quite the adventure. Conclusion – trust the guide books!!!
We set out to catch up with Barry, but Andrew was lagging a bit. Finally caught Barry and made it to the car, with Andrew arriving about a ½ hour later. Another successful adventure!!!
PS – Check out the links in the side bar! You can find all the trip pictures there!